Teaneck Small Business Assistance Call Today at 4pm

Please Join Teaneck Deputy Mayor Elie Y. Katz &

Teaneck Deputy Mayor Mark Schwartz

& Teaneck Councilman Keith Kaplan

In partnership with Larry Bauer, President, Teaneck Chamber of Commerce

& Jennifer Glass, Vice President, Teaneck Chamber of Commerce

For A Second Teaneck Small Business Assistance Call

“What Is Available For Small Business & How To”

 Guests Speakers:
  • Ivan Mendez from our Business Development Group of The NJ EDA
  • Ari Weisbrot, ESQ, Wesibrot Law- Navigating Governmental Resources in the COVID 19 Era
  • Mike Glicksman, Northeast NJ Score

Monday, April 6 at 4:00pm

***If you or someone you know has a Teaneck based business affected, please click on link below and register for the call. We will email you the call info.
Sorry, this call is only open to business owners that operate a business in Teaneck.

April 3 COVID-19 Update from Dr. Irving

April 3, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff,
The last three weeks have been challenging, exhausting, and extremely informative. This describes what I have heard from many parents, and how our staff – including me – have described our current reality. The good news is that a well-deserved spring break is upon us and when we “return”, we will begin a very different educational approach using Google Classroom.
In my last communication to you, I mentioned that beginning Monday, April 13, we will move to a virtual learning platform with specific class/subject schedules Monday – Thursday. Fridays will be used as a review or testing day.  However, next week is also an important week because there will be some informational sessions and opportunities for you to get prepared for our new virtual learning schedule.  All of the information that you will need will be posted on our COVID-19 Update section of our website (a green button on the left hand side of the homepage –   https://www.teaneckschools.org/COVID-19.aspx). Please bookmark this page as it will become a very important resource for you as we move forward.
Here is our go-forward plan:

Continue reading “April 3 COVID-19 Update from Dr. Irving”

A Tale of Two Charts

First caveat: I created the first chart (based on numbers I received from the manager), so errors are possible despite my efforts to be accurate.
Second caveat: we do not have good data sets because testing is not yet available for widespread use.  The charts below are based on those tested after showing symptoms.

The data below are the same in each chart.

The first chart shows the number of cases reported as presumptive positive in Teaneck.  Despite all of our efforts, cases will continue to rise.

But — the second chart shows the rate at which those presumptive positives are doubling.  The second chart is on a “log vertical scale”, which provides equal intervals for doubling effects (i.e. the space between 5 to 10 is equal to the space between 50 to 100).  The second chart also contains two exponential fits for the data sets.

What the graph shows

They started to double within a predicted time-frame of 2.09 days.  That appears to have slowed to 5.7 days (thus far) through self-isolation measures.

Teaneck’s Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin called for self isolating ourselves on March 14th.  Look at what started to happen on the chart between 3/14 and 3/21.

Bottom line: Self isolation and washing our hands WORKS.

This will provide our healthcare system time to #FlattenTheCurve….  but only if we keep it up.


[Audio] Teaneck Community Interfaith Prayer Call

Several hundred residents joined the Teaneck Community Interfaith Prayer Call today

Hosted by: Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin, Deputy Mayor Mark Schwartz & Deputy Mayor Elie Y. Katz

“During These Challenging Times, We Can All Use Some Strengthening of Our Spiritual Health”

Opening Remarks by: Mayor Mohammed Hemeduddin & Deputy Mayor Mark Schwartz

  • Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky, Congregation Beth Sholom
  • Rev Greg Jackson, Pastor Mt. Olive Baptist Church
  • Pastor Jusung Kim, Good News Church
  • Reverend Dr. Keith Attles, Covenant Life Ministries Church
  • Imam Sayeed Quereshi, Darul-Islah Mosque
  • Father Joseph D’Amico, Church of Anastasia

Closing Remarks by:

  • Congressman Josh Gottheimer

There will be another call next Sunday at 3pm.

Tedesco: County to Open COVID-19 Drive-Thru Test Site for Bergen County First Responders and Health Care Professionals on Sunday

For Immediate Release:
March 28, 2020
Michael Pagan

Tedesco: County to Open COVID-19 Drive-Thru Test Site for Bergen County First Responders and Health Care Professionals on Sunday

Hackensack, N.J. — Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco has announced that on Sunday, March 29th, at 12:30 p.m., the County will open a mobile, drive-thru COVID-19 test site for symptomatic first responders and health care professionals who live or work in Bergen County only.  The drive-thru test site will be located at Bergen New Bridge Medical Center at 230 East Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus, N.J.

Only symptomatic first responders and health care professionals who live or work in Bergen County will be tested at this drive-thru test site and must provide accredited identification

To be tested for COVID-19 at the drive-thru site, first responders and health care professionals must be screened by first completing a brief survey located at https://www.newbridgehealth.org and seeing a Telehealth doctor. Patients will then be given a confirmation code number that they will present at the drive-thru testing site.

“Bergen County first responders and health care professionals who are symptomatic should please take advantage of our mobile, drive-thru test site at Bergen New Bridge Medical Center,” said County Executive Tedesco. “These are the men and women on the front lines who are working to keep our 1 million residents safe from COVID-19.  The sooner we help our first responders and health care professionals recover, the more people they will be able to treat.”

More information is available at: https://www.newbridgehealth.org and at https://co.bergen.nj.us/

Tedesco: Bergen County To Begin Accepting PPE Donations at County Annex Building Located in Paramus

For Immediate Release:
March 25, 2020

Michael Pagan

Tedesco: Bergen County To Begin Accepting PPE Donations at County Annex Building Located in Paramus

Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco has announced that the County will begin accepting donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as respirator/surgical masks, medical face shields/goggles, protective medical gowns and latex gloves at the Annex Building located at 220 East Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus, N.J. (located behind Bergen New Bridge Medical Center off Pascack Road and Ridgewood Avenue) beginning tomorrow, Thursday, March 26th.  The site will remain open every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“Sadly, Bergen County has the most COVID-19 cases in New Jersey and our supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are dangerously low,” said County Executive Tedesco.  “We are asking for donations of PPE from hardware stores, hair salons, nail salons, tattoo shops and any other business that is able to help our health care professionals get the equipment they need to treat residents suffering from this dangerous virus.  We are a family in Bergen County and we are strong.  If we work together, we will flatten the COVID-19 curve.”

The County of Bergen will be accepting small and large donations alike and has the necessary equipment to unload palletized donations if necessary.  Residents are asked to please come Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to drop off donations.  This is a drive-thru donation site and residents are asked to have donations readily accessible in the trunk or back area of their vehicles so County staff can unload the items.

Residents can email PPEdonations@co.bergen.nj.us with any questions they might have about larger donations being dropped off, acceptance of homemade opened boxes, and other inquiries.

What does a “Zero-Budget” mean?

A Sixth Straight ZERO

At last night’s Teaneck Council meeting, the Council voted to introduce a SIXTH straight budget with a 0% tax levy increase on the Municipal side of the tax bill. At a time when many Teaneck residents are struggling with financial uncertainty, Teaneck’s Council remains mindful of its residents’ needs.  Without a reduction of ANY municipal services, we will even will be paving more roads (including Windsor Rd).

The 0% tax levy was the result of proper management, and was made possible, in large part by Council’s use of smart development, which maintains the quality of life Teaneck expects.

But, my taxes went up!

I get it – mine went up too.  But the tax bill you receive has a few different parts and not all of them have been going up.
So, let’s break down what is happening.

Breaking down your bill

The tax bill each home receives has a few parts.  Here is an example for the average Teaneck home:

The average residential assessment for 2019 was $384,308.15.

  • Municipal portion: $4,039.08
  • Board of Education Portion: $6,979.04


*** Click here to see how the bill breaks down in each category ***:

The tax bill for the average assessment breaks down as follows (approx):

Board of Education 56.8% $6,979.04
Municipal 32.87% $4,039.08
Municipal Open Space .31% $38.43
County 8.48% $1,041.48
County Open Space .31% $38.43
Library 1.22% $149.88

Municipal and BOE Portions

  • The municipal portion of the tax bill is controlled by the Township Council and the Board of Education portion is controlled by the School Board.

Here is what the Township (municipal) and BOE budgets have looked like over the last have decade+:

What could it have been without a Zero-Budget?

Municipalities are constrained to operate within a possible increase of 3.5% over the previous year’s tax levy. (see NJSA 40A:4-45.14 Permissible increase in appropriations)

What would tax rates look like if Teaneck increased them on the municipal side instead of fighting for a zero?

The chart below shows what the budget levy has been for each year in the graph above.  The “Cap Bank” represents what we could have increased the levy by, had we gone to the full 3.5%.
Each of the links goes to the Ordinance that shows the amount in the “cap bank”.

By remaining at a ZERO budget levy increase, the Township Council has kept the municipal portion of your tax bill flatNote: Others portions of your bill may have increased, however.

Year Budget Cap Bank Link
2020 $54,012,908 $2,067,879 11-2020
2019 $53,591,618 $2,022,909 15-2019
2018 $53,004,585 $2,025,023 7-2018
2017 $53,032,800 $1,946,929 9-2017
2016 $53,056,956 $1,972,735 8-2016
2015 $53,302,262 $1,949,474 18-2015
2014 $53,286,843 $1,916,714 24-2014
Totals $13,901,664

The Average Homeowner:

For the Average assessed home in Teaneck, this would have meant an additional $1,047 in municipal taxes per year.

Instead, the Township Council introduced a 6th straight year of ZERO-PERCENT tax levy increases for 2020.

Related: Bonding

In addition to the yearly tax bill, the Township also issues debt for road, building or other capital expenditures.  To see how we have been doing with regards to controlling our debt levels, you can click below and see where we stand, as well as a comparison to other towns around us.

Bonding: How does Teaneck compare?